A collection of my translations~ and other things.
Sorry I missed a month of interactions Only on my part interactions A single couple of conversations sparks such Stupidity in me that I am Forced to reconsider myself entirely How can I read so much into So much nothing and How could I deign to be by Your side when I Can't even keep my room clean Aren't you the fatal influence I dream dream dreamed of Why is it not enough for me to be My own influencer, do I need Some impetus So what does that mean that I Am one of those lot who don't live Unless they have someone to live with Total eradication of world views I was so certain of before Like superiority in loneliness And loneliness only arising from being Around people in the first place I don't want to go out with you At least I don't have strong enough Belief in my adult position To allow myself to like you See I'm not allowed to like you I didn't do anything justice Your abstinence for what is such an Absolute reason compared to my what Alcoholism I think I want you because that's All I do think think think tricolon I'll read Nietzsche for you Sorry I hadn't read him before Do I have to wait a whole month To see you do I have to Write this kind of crap that Isn't really poems I just make it Look like it is by Formatting the lines I have tried two illegal drugs And you say you wouldn't try them Nothing works on me so what Kind of the same page are we on I hope I was cute in my socks Cruel medium boomer baby time If I list all the events it makes it Seem like you like me the Possibility's there do things Have to happen if their Existences are Believable I can make sense of you Mostly some sense I've invented though