字 the Kanji Kid

the Kanji Kid

A collection of my translations~ and other things.

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Don't look at me don't look
Why does nobody look at me
I hated you til now you know
Neuter accusative plural
How does one view oneself in the plural
Keep reflexives out of the bed please
If I were you I would stalk me
If I were me I would stalk you
Honestly doesn't matter to
Me how you really are
Babe I'm gonna leave you
Ink to math
Narcissistic photo album I want to
Print me out for real and pin me
On the wall would you like a
Copy I'll give you the non
Printed one gonna
Tell him that I dream of him
Every night except I 
Can't seem to dream about
What I'd like like
Morissey seems to be able to
Lifeline is pens badump badump
Don't need boys just pens
Fractals and Nina Simone days
Are gone I imagine you'll be quite
Similar to that though
Do I count as having
Experience tipping point there
What counts if only
You were a virgin or the
Same as me a
Little smaller
Help me I'm so inferior
I don't want to go and do my laundry