字 the Kanji Kid

the Kanji Kid

A collection of my translations~ and other things.

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It doesn't lie or hestitate
It just stays handy
And I want to be it too
Mastery of self not of others
Lined up like train cars behind me
I will do these things
I'm tired of the grease
I want clean paper
I'm a mindless priest on the third day
But you can quit smoking as many times as you want
And you can start things up again
You could make a graph or a song
You could write a secret message
Or a public one a thousand words long

I don't need anything
People or otherwise
The optional variety of a regular life
Have it have it and no cake
I don't intend to do anything else
It's more the documentation that's the key
I promise I will start again and again
I forgot how much I loved this
I love the real self