字 the Kanji Kid

the Kanji Kid

A collection of my translations~ and other things.

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Sanguine plastered potato peels that drape by
Plating pickles parts of my flaccid persona 
I got to keep this pot in the divorce
By force for sure the worthy words I wore 
I haunt the door and poor pasty porridge 
How thick the wicked wily habits 
I save my coins and drain my plate to save the date
Excepting excerpts of failing morality insanity mortality
All but me know the eyes and lies of a bitter secreting secret 
Dictation dictator of my death 
And guys bleating sheeping please don't please me
Buy me deny me eyes refuse to meet 
My sidewalk soulmate just freight trains
Sleeping pantyhose peeping holes with socks
Sock I stick my deep into feel into cry while I
Dylan you farty boy!

Alternate version:

force for sure the worty words
(wore I haunt the door and poor
pasty porridge
excepting excerp)s of feiling
norality insamty haralty who
but me lous the eyes and lies
of a bitter seerenny secret
dictation distator of my death
and quys bloahng sheep ty
please dont please me bay me
deny me oges runa to meet my
si denall sTepping
soulmate Preight tracks
, holes with
aying wale | Bylan you farty