字 the Kanji Kid

the Kanji Kid

A collection of my translations~ and other things.

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good luck

I've made a new friend doesn't matter that he's married
Failed my room inspection
Forgot to pick up my protection
Have you heard the news? I'm leaving soon
I've got a ticket to ride and you won't catch me caring

I'm gonna be famous you're gonna have to hear my name
Gonna live a perfect life where the days are all the same
I promise to take my teddy bear on the aeroplane
I promise to be a tumour that'll drive you half insane

Good luck finding a girl who'll listen to the whole
Bob Dylan discography for you
Like it was written in her soul
Good luck finding a girl who'll love your every atom
If you wanted it you could've had it
But now I'm on the other side of the world

I've made a new friend who gives me head
Look at all the books I've read and the epiphanies I get
Just you watch me I'm totally untouchable
You can rest assured I won't think about you anymore

I'm gonna be fluent in every language under the sun
I'm gonna move to the USA and get myself a gun
I promise to take my teddy bear when I'm on the run
I promise one day you'll realise of me I'm the only one

Good luck finding a girl who'll listen to the whole
Bob Dylan discography for you 
Like it was written in her soul
Good luck finding a girl to love your every atom
If you wanted it you could've had it
But now I'm on the other side of the world